Global Green making impact

While the world seems to be imploding, there are those souls in our midst that continue to soldier on, fighting the injustice against those without a voice. Global Green is such a group of fighters. So when their CEO came to me with a big ask, I jumped to the service of the planet. Of course, there was a caveat, it was for Brad Pitt, and he needed it by the following morning. I dove in with all I had; I knew it had to be a wow and needed to connect emotionally with my audience of one.

This was the first time I was creating an entire presentation for one person, one set of eyes. As I began to write and cobble together the visuals, I realized I was creating for my own eyes, pouring over Global Green’s illustrious history.

30 years since their founder Mikhail Gorbachev founded Green Cross based on the interrelated threats humanity and our Earth face from nuclear arms, chemical weapons, unsustainable development, and the man-induced decimation of the planet's ecology. It took me down my own memory lane when the threat of a nuclear attack was substantial. I recall lying in bed as a child, frightened of the world's end and what that would look like. I remember vividly when president Ronald Reagan met face to face with the leader of Russia, shook hands, and sat down to speak together for the very first time. The relief that came over the country was palpable. In the wake of the attacks on Ukraine, I find myself lying in bed again, stirred by those old emotions that had become a distant and laughable memory now coming back so vividly. Except this time as a parent, I imagine the fear and anxiety, the suffering of the heart as loved ones are torn from one another in this senseless war. I can't help but wonder how we will ever progress, move beyond the insidious need to conquer another? So I, too, soldier on; I get my presentation done and off to Brad before his morning coffee. And I sit back and relish in my own moment, watching the sun, listening to the birds, and feeling the chill subside and make room for the spring. And I wish for our friends in Ukraine that the dawn of a new day is the only thing that is imminent.

Kim Grijalva